ÜLESANNE 1. EV 100. Kooli ja kodukandi tutvustus. Teismelised. (inglise keeles)


Tutvustada oma riiki, kodukohta, kooli ja eakaaslaste eluviisi.

Slaidid ja tekst valminud õpilaskohtumiseks Soomes.

Osalesid õpilased: Sander Kasela, Markus Laanisto, Lauriin Loosaar

Juhendasid õpetajad: Rene Kurm, Viktor Koop

Estonia was declared independent on the 23rd of February in Pärnu, a seaside resort in western Estonia. A day later the declaration of independence was read and distributed in Tallinn. However, German troops took control and independence was one in a bloody war against the Soviet Russia in the east and Baltic German Army in the south.

On the 2nd of February, 1920 the Soviet Union recognised officially the Republic of Estonia and a peace treaty was signed in Tartu.

The first period of independence lasted unfortunatelly only until the Second World War, when the Baltics were occupied first by the Soviet troops, then 1941-1944 by Nazi Germany and from 1944 - 1991 by the Soviets again. So we have been independent for 25 years again.

Last not least, our struggle for independence was supported by the Finnish people, Danish volunteers and British Government. The Finns volunteered in the Vabadussõda (Independence War) and more than 100 British navy soldiers lost their lives in the battle for Tallinn.

In 1991 the first country to recognise our independence was Iceland.
So, these countries and people are remembered and honoured by Estonians.

Every year on the 24th of February we celebrate the Day of Independence. Next year, 2018 we are going to celebrate ESTONIA 100.
There will be lots of activities like concerts, exhibitions, sports and art events.

The day begins with the ceremony of hoisting the national flag in the tower at Toompea.
At 11 o’clock we have a military parade in Tallinn with thousands of soldiers and guests from friendly armies - from Latvia, Finland, Denmark, Britain and the USA.
In the afternoon most families have a dinner and later there is a TV show with the concert, the speech by Mrs President and finally the reception and dancing.
Some people are very critical about the reception saying that it looks more of a fashion show. Other people enjoy it and find some fun in it.
  • Location
Estonia lies on the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea. The average elevation reaches only 50 metres. Covering 45228 sq km, Estonia is slightly bigger than Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium or Switzerland. The neighbouring countries are Finland to the north, Sweden to the west, Latvia in the south and Russia in the east.

Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, and Helsinki are well-connected by ferries and cruise ships. It takes only 2 hours to cross the Gulf of Finland and the Finnish make a major part of our tourists.

Estonia was ruled by the German knights, the Danish king, the Swedish king, the south of Estonia by the Polish Kingdom. The Russian Tsar ruled over Estonia for 200 years until the country gained its independence in a Freedom War in 1918-1920.

After the Soviet occupation we finally regained our independence from the Soviet Union on August the 20th, 1991, luckily this time bloodless.
  • Tallinn
Tallinn is the capital of Estonia. Its name may have originated from the word TALI, TALV (winter) as it was used firstly by foreign merchants who stayed for winter and survived the hard times in a small fort.

Another version is that it was an Estonian village taken over by the Danish army (TAANI LINN). Danes also fought Estonians there and in a battle which they were loosing the God himself helped them by dropping the Danish flag from the sky. That’s why we have also we have got the Danish Yard (TAANI KUNINGA AED).

Tallinn is a Gothic city (I mean, architecturally).

It is a very popular tourist destination for its ancient part of the city. You should visit the Town Hall, the down town, the walls and Toompea (the Dome Hill).

But we also lots of modern museums, like KUMU (KUNSTIMUUSEUM - the art museum), the Seaplane Harbour, the Rocca al Mare (an open air national museum). You should walk in Kadriorg - a park at the seaside and visit our Song Festival Ground where we hold our national song festivals every 5 years.

Come and see by yourself!
  • Flag and Coat of arms
The current Coat of Arms is a golden shield which includes a picture of three blue lions with red tongues in the middle, with golden oak branches placed on both sides of the shield.

The national flag of Estonia is a tricolor featuring three equal horizontal bands of blue (top), black (middle) , and white (bottom).

The Estonian national flag - blue, black and white - goes back to the middle of the 19th century.
First it was a flag of the Estonian Students’ Society, the first academic organisation of native Estonians.

We believe that the blue symbolises the sky and hope, the black symbolises our soil and its fertility, and the white - sanctity and the future.
  • President
Mrs Kersti Kaljulaid is the current president of Estonia.  She became the first female president on the 10th of October 2016.
  • Häädemeeste
In Estonian the place name means a village of “good men”. There are lots of legends to it but we like believe that we really are good.

It is a parish and village in the south -west of Estonia along the coast. It has got a picturesque scenery like pine forests, sand dunes, sandy beaches, forest trails and tracks, bogs and swamps.

It is quite popular in the summer time but a forgotten place in winter.

It is a small village with a population of 600 people.

It has got two churches, a museum, a summer garden, a secondary school and lots of nice houses.

  • Location
Häädemeeste Secondary School is located between Tallinn and Riga, just ~30 kilometres from the Estonian-Latvian border & not even a kilometre from the sea border.
  • Head of the school
Aule Kink is the head of the school since 2016.
  • Teachers & students
Altogether there are just under 30 teachers, who all are doing their best to make learning for all 173 students a fun experience!
  • History 
The history of education goes back to 1688 - when the first school was founded at Häädemeeste.
Secondary school at Häädemeeste was founded in 1958, 59 years ago. In 1964 all the pupils and teachers moved into a new schoolhouse - the one we use now. There have been 15 heads of the school.
  • School day
A School day starts at 8.00AM. A lesson lasts 45 minutes. A break is 10 minutes long, except the two lunch breaks, which last 20 minutes. Students have a free meal but teachers have to pay a euro for a meal.
  • Hobby clubs
We have a lot of hobby clubs like:
Volleyball, Chess ,Music and Singing, Folk music, Art and crafts, Dancing (folk dance, show dance, modern dance), Robotics, Football, Cross bow archery, Music groups, Ceramics.
  • School trips, field trips
Center for Environmental Investments supports our field trips,
Kabli Nature Centre carries out programmes for students.
  • Traditions
o   The first of September  - school begins
o  Teacher’s Day
o   Job shadowing
o   Celebrating the beginning of autumn
o   St. Martin’s and St. Cathrine’s Day
o   Christmas party & fair
o   Shrove Tuesday
o   Valentine’s Day (Friend’s Day)
o   Last Day at school for the school
o   The School Graduation Party

o   Family Day
  • Weeks of subjects
o   British Week
o   German Day (Nikolaustag)
o   Geography Week
o   Physics Week
o   Estonian Week

o   And a lot of competitions in all the subjects

  • Music
Nowadays teenagers listen to electronic dance music. Their favourite artists are Elina Born & Stig Rästa, Curly strings, Liisi KoiksonMari KalkunNÖEPGreipEwert and the Two DragonsTrafficJüri PootsmanTerminaatorZetodOtt LeplandLiis LemsaluInesMaarja

There is a very popular festival at Salacriva in Latvia, just few kilometres from the Estonian-Latvian border (POSITIVUS FESTIVAL).

Another Popular electonic dance music festival in Pärnu, 40 km from Häädemeeste - WEEKEND FESTIVAL, with the most famous artists like Martin Garrix, The Chainsmokers, Armin van Buuren, Alan Walker and Clean Bandit.
  • Dance
There are a folkdance group, a show dance group and a modern dance group at Häädemeeste.
  • Fashion 
Girls wear mostly colorful clothes and skirts of all heights. A lot of girls design their clothes themselves or alter second-hand clothes to their taste.
Boys don’t really care about fashion they wear casual clothes.
  • Films & TV
Teenagers watch mostly Hollywood films - …..
Estonian national films are also popular but we produce two or three good films a year.
  • Lottemaa
Lottemaa is a theme park based on a cartoon on a girl-dog Lotte who enjoys inventing things. The whole village and community where she lives are engaged in inventions.
LottemaaVillage is located in the middle of Häädemeeste municipality. You can do lots of funny activities there.
  • Jõulumäe
Jõulumäe is a sports and recreation centre about 30 kilometres from Pärnu.
In summer you can play disc golf, basketball or badminton, go jogging, roller skate or cycling there, in winter it is famous for its skiing tracks and sled slopes.

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