Seoses Covid-19 levikuga jäi ära koordinaatorite viimane planeeritud kohtumine maikuus 2020 Eestis. Nii nagu kogu maailm pidi ümber harjuma antud olukorras nii viisime ka meie oma kohtumise virtuaalmaailma.

Online kohtumisi oli kokku kolm:
  • 28. mai  2020 -  Kokkuvõtete tegemine, tööülesannete jagamine. Kokkuvõtte kirjutamise alustamine.
  • 25. juuni 2020 - Kokkuvõtte läbi vaatamine, täiendamine.
  • 24.august 2020 -  Lõpparuande vormistamine.
Kohtumiste keskkonnaks kasutasime Zoomi.

Topics discussed and decisions made at the virtual meeting

The coordinators of all partner schools agreed that the final project meeting in Estonia cannot be held. Instead, we are going to work online, have another virtual meeting on Zoom at 3 p.m. CET on 25 June 2020 and a third one at 3 p.m. CET on 24 August 2020.
The project website at has been updated. Further changes will be done before 2 June 2020. Then partners will check if all necessary and important project products have uploaded. Any more products must be sent to the coordinator who will upload them as well.
All coordinators will check and update their Mobility Tool.
Partner schools will send all newspaper articles, project-related media appearances to the coordinator for the final report and the website.
An eTwinning group will be created for the project. All partner schools are asked to join and contribute to it.    The name of the group is Traditions with modern technology and is available at
We are working on the final report together. Coordinators have been given access to edit . This work should be done before 25 June so that it can be discussed and assessed at the virtual meeting on 25 June 2020.
Please, make sure that the website of the project ( is published on your school website and Facebook site.

Tóth Katalin

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